Everything You Need to Know About CFD Consulting

Sep 23, 2020

Everything You Need to Know about CFD Consulting

Computational Fluid Dynamics has several benefits for individuals and businesses. First, it helps in the identification of fluid problems and development of solutions. Secondly, it can help you or your company save money and time by filtering out unpleasant designs that can potentially turn costly.

As an engineering manager, you need to be more sensitive to product design costs. Identifying any fluid dynamics related challenges that could hold you back is critical. Access to expert CFD consultation services is the easiest way to make more accurate decisions and reduce product failure.

If you are ready to get started, here’s all you need to know about CFD consulting.

What is a CFD simulation?

As mentioned earlier, CFD is a great business tool with high accuracy, flexibility, and breadth. It would help if you had not only software but also expert predictions to get the best out of CFD. Therefore, a consultant must go the extra mile and predict fluid interactions and trade-offs.

The right CFD service provider should have prior experience in helping companies to solve their simulation challenges. Besides, simulation experts should communicate the results promptly and accurately for easy implementation. Proper analysis and delivery can help to solve present and future design challenges. Therefore, you need to consider an expert with experience in CFD for this essential step.

What CFD Services Do Consultants Provide?

There is a wide range of services that you can expect from a CFD consultancy. Although offers may differ from one company to another, you should expect some of the following services.

A full CFD Report: a CFD consultant will analyze the fluid flow to help you identify any problems and improve them.

Detailed Analysis: They provide a detailed account of pressure loss and other parameters, making it easy to understand the flow.

Product Development: Consultants advise on thermal design to increase the success rate with product designs.

Improving Performance: There are several ways to improve performance, including enhancing ventilation, heating, cooling efficiency, etc.

Training: Many consultants go a step further to train on the use of software, CAD preparation, meshing, among others.

There are more CFD services that you can get from a consultant. Therefore, it is necessary to check out the service lists of individual consultants.

The CFD Consulting Workflow

CFD consultation follows a given process to be useful as you expect. The service provider should start by understanding all of your aspects and requirements. Therefore, the project should begin with a brief meeting between you and your service provider.

The meeting then paves the way for the following steps:

1. CAD Preparation
You can issue the service provider with your geometry or set the parts up using their knowledge. They remove non-essential elements, then unite and prepare essential components for meshing.

2. Meshing
This step involves dividing the flow domain into manageable volumes. This step’s effectiveness, speed, and quality mainly depend on your consultant’s level of expertise. If well-executed, the simulation step becomes easy as the information is well organized.

3. Simulation
Here, a computer will calculate all essential fluid flow parameters in every volume. This step takes more or less time, depending on how big and complicated it is.

4. Analyzing

The results get analyzed automatically to give you a quick picture of the flow. It is at this point that you can identify any weaknesses and develop an improvement plan. The presentation of the results usually can be either qualitative or quantitative.

How it can help your business to develop products

Businesses face a lot of issues when designing and developing products. Most of the challenges result from factors such as aerodynamics. However, a CFD consultant has the engineering expertise to improve your product. It helps to have an experienced consultant from the planning stage as product design usually requires a careful approach.

The best approach to product improvement is clear communication of your goals. It helps the consultants to design a proper strategy that will yield the desired results. Besides, you need to identify and clearly define your problem and come up with a perfect design.

The success factor in using CFD for product design lies in its illimitable nature. Unlike lab experiments that can be either expensive or time-consuming, CFD simulations are numerical with no scenario limit. They do not require any equipment and have controllable costs making CFD better than any other product development strategy.

As an engineer, you need CFD consultancy to make any decisions in product design. Proper simulation is helpful in the determination of the strengths and weaknesses of a flow field. The simulation results will be displayed faster and more efficiently on a computer screen, making it easy to make decisions.

Ensure you contact an experienced consultant to enjoy better success with CFD in product design and improvement. CFD consultation provides novices with easy ways to become better product and process designers. Besides, it helps experienced users to achieve higher success rates with their efforts. The best thing is that CFD can help anyone go through the planning to post-processing steps without compromising accuracy.

Getting the best results requires you to hire an experienced CFD service provider. Imaginationeering’s Design Solutions can help you with CFD, especially on your product development journey. With a fair cost and feasible time is taken to bring a product to life, you rest assured of success in your project. Get in touch with us and enjoy our exclusive CFD services.

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