Key Takeaways For Today’s Inventors Before Taking off an Idea

One might be thinking and asking about what new innovations we can expect in this present era of humanity and in near future, as we have already seen a lot of inventions in every dimension of the living. What are the differences we see in today’s inventions and inventions which had happened in past? The...
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How CFD Improves Shape of Product Industry

The era in which computational tools are being programmed with high capabilities and accessibilities, however not satisfy the complexity of product design and failure which are coming up with high challenges. If the fluid dynamics and engineering simulations are hurdles to product design then Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) can be a powerful way to simulate...
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Importance of User Experience (UX) in Prototype Development

The launch of any product requires a lot of backend work which includes conceptualization, design, modeling, engineering, user experience (UX) understanding, and market data analytics and this might not be readily seen by the end-user of the product. These parameters are the foundations of any product. These are some of the essential parameters which play...
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How CFD of Multiphase Flows is Helping Oil and Gas Industry

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a design and engineering tool used to simulate the flow of fluids such as air, water, or any fluid in the system and understand the effect of the fluid flow on the surroundings. CFD is best used in case studies, where the system behavior cannot be calculated using conventional calculation...
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Things You Need to Know Before Approaching a Product Design Company

In our daily lives, we see a lot of products being used by us and everyone around us. Right from the toothbrush we use in the morning to the pillow that we use at the night, all these products are designed with a specific purpose for us as the users and the benefactors. Even though...
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How CFD and High-Performance Computing Helps Speed up the Process from Idea to Product in Industries

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a design and engineering tool used to simulate the flow of fluids such as air, water, or any fluid in the system and understand the effect of the fluid flow on the surroundings. CFD is best used in case studies, where the system behavior cannot be calculated using conventional calculation...
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Importance of Structural Analysis in Construction

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is one of the tools that has developed over the ages to extensively verify, validate and optimize the performance of ideas or products under structural loads and conditions.  FEA is very useful especially for validating the strength and stability of the design under actual loading conditions. FEA helps in assessing the...
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Benefits of Simulation-Driven Product Development

Simulation Driven Product Development (SDPD) is rapidly eclipsing the traditional forms of product development. Even though it is only a few decades old, the importance is now more glaring than ever before. While many industries are now utilizing this new process, a few are yet to join the train. This article highlights the benefits of...
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How To Get An In-depth CFD Analysis Done

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a design and engineering tool used to simulate the flow of fluids such as air, water or any fluid in the system and understand the effect of the fluid flow on the surroundings. CFD is best used in case studies, where the system behavior cannot be calculated using conventional calculation...
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Benefits of Outsourcing FEA Simulation Services

Many industries such as automotive, manufacturing, healthcare etc. perform a lot conceptual designs and design changes. They manufacture them on the basis of their requirements under different working environments. However, the key question always arises of whether will the design have the strength and stability to withstand that environment or are there any modifications needed....
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